What a Will Kit does not do

What a Will Kit does not do

There are various ‘Will Kits’ available on-line – most are cheap or ‘free’ and all you need to do is download them and fill in the blanks. Many websites boast that you can prepare your Will ‘without spending hundreds of dollars on legal fees’. Simple, right? Not...Read More
Family Law Property Settlements

Family Law Property Settlements

Is a 50/50 split the starting point? Following the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship, it is common for separated parties to be unsure and therefore anxious about their entitlements in a property settlement and the assets they are likely to retain. This...Read More

It is with very mixed emotions that we say see you later

It is with very mixed emotions that we say see you later (not goodbye) to our Isabella Freeman. Her skills did not go unnoticed, and she has left us temporarily to take up a position as a Legal Associate to a Justice of Division 1 of the Federal Circuit and Family...Read More